“Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite.”
Psalms 147:5, NKJV
The Lord’s understanding is infinite. The definition of the word infinite means “limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.” Unlike our understanding, God has an understanding with no limit. We can only understand things to a certain extent in this life, because our sight is limited. God is not limited on what He sees and knows. In fact, He sees our lives from a much bigger perspective. What we see through our perspective, God sees it through the bigger picture. His view is seen from a higher perspective.
Our great Lord is simultaneously watching over each of us and His whole creation. Not only can God observe everything in the universe from His vast perspective, but He can perceive how each and every one of us sees the world. In what way we are greatly limited on our understanding of life. Ultimately, God’s power and knowledge goes beyond what we can even understand. Let us not forget that our limited mind cannot comprehend an infinite understanding.
According to the Bible, King Solomon was the wisest man to ever lived. He wrote in Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 (NIV), “When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man’s labor on earth – his eyes not seeing sleep day or night – then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his effects to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.” Even the wisest man in this world could not comprehend the understanding of God.
God’s understanding far exceeds what we can grasp. As humans, we attain a small extent of understanding in this life. The vastness of God’s infinite understanding can be explained like this, God does not need to attain understand, because He already fully has it. God is understanding; He has always had understanding and will always have it. Infinite understanding extends beyond the maximum limit in this world. Furthermore, the understanding of God is far greater than we can put into words. His understanding is not even fathomable to us. What word can be used to describe an infinite God? He is immeasurable; Nothing can be measured against Him, for He is God. God said “I am who I am.” He is who is, and who is, is incomprehensible to us.
Although we cannot grasp God’s infinite understanding, we can cling to Him for our understanding. It is wonderful that the one and only true God can understand what we don’t. Just like a parent knows more than their young child, God knows what is best in our lives. We should look to God like a young child looks to their parent for help and guidance.
When we seek God for understand, then He can guide us with a piece of His understand.
The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) We need to not carelessly read that verse and move on, we need to apply it to our lives. We should meditate on it day and night, if that is what is take for us to follow this scripture. Let us focus on the greatness of God and His mighty power, so that His infinite understanding can guide our everyday lives. We serve an infinite God! Let's grow in our relationship with God , so that His understanding can guide us.
God gives us wisdom when we ask - Read this daily devotion
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