Inspire Within

Natural Remedies for Eczema | Aquaphor Alternative

Janee Hughes • September 23, 2024

Natural Remedies for Eczema that Actually Work

Need natural remedies for eczema? Looking for a natural moisturizer for you or your babies eczema? I hope that by sharing this article, your search for the perfect eczema cream is over! When my baby girl was 4-months-old, she started to have eczema. Her eczema was really bad. I have provided pictures to show just how bad it was. Poor baby girl!

A pediatrician from the Blueberry Pediatric App recommended that we use an over-the-counter Hydrocortisone 1% cream 1-2 times day to start with a gentle approach. Thankfully it helped to lessen her eczema rash and minimalize the itching, though my daughter still had the urge to scratch during the day. So I had to keep her skin moisturized and covered with long sleeves and pants all day, every day.

Before trying any of the natural remedies that helped my daughter’s eczema case, please consult your doctor to confirm if it would be a good option for your case. I’m definitely no professional, just sharing my experience. Just because something worked for my case does not mean it is the best option for everyone.

Here are some eczema tips that helped to calm and heal my daughter’s eczema:

1. Swap to all 100% cotton clothes

After my baby girl started to have an eczema rash, I decided to get rid of all of her clothes that was anything but 100% cotton. I avoided wool and synthetic fabrics, such as polyester and nylon. It was wintertime when it first flared up and my daughter was sleeping in fleece pjs which were 100% polyester. So, I was especially on the lookout for anything with polyester or the polyester lining that was on the inside of onesies and pjs with embroidery. (For example, cute Carter’s onesies and pajamas.) Even if it was only half polyester, it was still out. Also, I got rid of a crib sheet that was polyester.

I wouldn’t go as far to say that the baby clothes must be organic, though I did find these cute and affordable organic cotton dresses* that are some of my favorites for my daughter. My favorite brands for 100% cotton were actually Carter’s, Burt's Bees, and other Amazon finds. Be aware of Carter’s with embroidery and Simple Joy by Carter’s, because they can often have a blend of polyester and cotton.

2. Wash with natural, fragrance-free bar soap

Before my daughter’s eczema, she was using Aveeno Baby Wash & Shampoo Lightly Scented, since that soap had worked fine for my son. Though after the eczema, I made the switch to a goat milk soap that we happened to have from a local shop, then from there we started to use a fragrance-free oatmeal soap from Sappo Hill Soap.* They also sell at Sprouts and other natural food stores.

We still use the Sappo Hill Soap with my daughter to this day. I have been enjoying to lather the soap on myself as well! The natural soap from the Canadian brand, Rocky Mountain Soap Co has also been a wonderful product. There are numerous natural bar soaps on the market, just be sure to read the ingredients and opt for fragrance-free.

3. Skip anything labeled “for eczema”

My daughter’s eczema didn’t fair well with the Aveeno Eczema Therapy lotion, even though it did seem to work great for my son when he was little. When I tried Aquaphor for my daughter’s eczema, it made her eczema even worse. Her poor skin was so red and inflamed everywhere that I had put it on her. I assumed that she was a having a reaction to the petrolatum, mineral oil, or one of the ingredients, so I chose to avoid anything products with those ingredients.

From my unsuccessful venture with commercialized lotions that were designed for eczema, I came to the conclusion to not use any product that was labeled for eczema. Since they all seemed to make my daughter’s eczema worse. This will most definitely not be the case for all eczema, but just something to consider if you also experience further irritation from most eczema creams.

4. Use pure, natural ointment/cream (ingredients that you can read)

When my daughter kept getting more irritated skin from recommended eczema creams and lotion, I knew it time to find a natural moisturizer with only clean ingredients. The search for a clean lotion felt hard to come by. One day while texting a cousin with a daughter the same age as mine, I was told about the Organic Honest All-Purpose Balm.* I was very pleased to find that all the ingredients were clean when I looked up each ingredient in the Honest All-Purpose Balm.

After the success of using the Honest All-Purpose Balm for several month on my daughter’s eczema, I was so happy when I came across a NEW Honest Company product called the Honest Healing Head-to-Toe Ointment.* Out of the two Honest product, I recommend the Honest Healing Head-to-Toe Ointment without a doubt! The Honest All-Purpose Balm worked great for a calm, clean ointment to help moisturized my daughter’s skin, although my only complaint is that it would never last on the skin. I would have to reapply every diaper change.

Once I used the Honest Healing Head-to-Toe Ointment, which had a similar consistency to Aquaphor, I was pleasantly surprised with how long it would last. I called it the natural alternative to Aquaphor! After using it for a week, I could notice a complete difference in my daughter’s eczema! The final last bit of her eczema was getting better! Week by week, it seemed to resolve stubborn problem areas like her foot/ankle, until it was just on a small spot on her upper thigh.

My daughter has been free from her eczema, since shortly after filming my video about eczema! Hopefully she has grown out of it and that it is gone for good. I hope that this experience with my daughter’s eczema has been helpful for you. The only reason that I decided to share this article about eczema is to help other people find an eczema product that heals their eczema! Maybe the Honest Healing Head-to-Toe Ointment* can be a miracle product for your eczema case as well!

*This article includes affiliate links, which means that we may receive a small commission at no cost to you, which helps to support this website.

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