Inspire Within

Spiritual Attack? You're Not Alone in the Battle, Sis.

Janee Hughes • July 20, 2023

Spiritual Attacks are Strong, But Our God is Stronger.

Today, I would like to share with you something that I wrote one night several years ago on February 12, 2018:

Spiritual Attack | The “Shocking” Battle

Last night I went for a typical run at my gym, but the Lord turned it into a phenomenal, learning experience. I was wearing some new workout shoes that always seem to cause static electricity when I touch metal or even the plastic covering on the handle of the treadmill. The static would make my earbuds crackle from the electricity, which I assume was caused by my rubber soles. It was such a bother every time I got shocked and it made me feel powerless to the problem. I would either have to accept it or give in to cutting my workout short. Other times, my popping earbuds would make me stop listening to my music, which is a big motivation during my runs. A thought came to my mind to attempt to solve the problem. I felt like facing the shock by grabbing the handlebar to see if it would remove all the electricity. I thought it was crazy, but what did I have to lose? To my surprise, it worked! I didn’t have the static electricity after I embraced the handlebar.

Instantly, I had an analogy from God. He showed me how the shocks are like the enemy. The enemy shocks us by telling us lies about who we are, and deceiving us in many ways. Attacks from the enemy are a bother. The attacks bring us down and can hurt us, which makes us feel powerless and like we should give up. The wonderful news is that we do have the power, the authority in Christ, to fight back and stop the shocks, the dreadful attacks from the enemy. We have the Word of God to declare and speak over us. There is so much power in God's Word and in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. 

As I continued to run, there were times the shocks begin to start back up, but I knew the solution to the problem. I would grab the handle and feel a couple shocks, but then immediately there would be no shocks once again. The power I felt made me feel unstoppable, not to mention, gave me extra motivation to push through my run. We have that same power against the enemy. All we have to do is embrace the fact that we are getting attacked; to not be afraid to fight back against the shock. Just like how the shocks occasionally occurred throughout the rest of my workout, the enemy will be persistent to attack us throughout our life. We just need to know the truth and speak it out. We DO have power through Christ. We are unstoppable!

The story does not end there… I woke up several times tonight throughout a two-hour period of time. It was like a restless feeling of tossing and turning. Before I went to bed, I posted a brief video about the analogy that God showed me earlier tonight. I kept thinking about it nonstop when I would wake up. It was an uneasy feeling, like I did something wrong by posting about what God had shared with me. Although I strongly felt that I needed to make that video after finishing my run. 

At around 12:30AM, I decided to get up to get lotion because my feet were feeling dry. My apartment didn’t have a 100% peaceful feeling once I got up, or even when I got back into my bed. It wasn’t extremely scary or anything, but a very subtle feeling that made me want to pray. As I was praying, it was as if God told me to “be still and listen”, so I obeyed and listened for His Voice. Immediately after I paused and listened, I heard in an alert tone, “you are surround.” I had a vision of my bed being surrounded by evil spirits. It all made perfect sense as to why I was feeling restless and having negative thoughts about my video. Without hesitation, I spoke Jesus Christ’s name out loud and begin to pray to Him. I casted out the enemy and told him who I am. In other words, I grabbed onto the handlebar and faced the shock. I declared the Word, I praised the Lord, and I fought back. I stomped on the devil. Through Christ, I won the battle!

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

James 4:7, NIV


These two experiences opened my eyes to how we are certainly in a spiritual battle of good and evil. I love when the Lord speaks to me in ways like tonight. I have decided to start writing about my personal experiences, so that I can always remember them and have document of how serious the battle is. I know the Lord has put it on my heart to write about everything He showed me tonight. My friend, be encouraged that we serve a God who speaks and is with us always and forever more. He fights our battles. He makes us victorious.

For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Deuteronomy 20:4, NIV

The Lord has proven this to me. The Bible is the truth. The Word is our weapon against the schemes of the enemy. You can fight the shock with Christ!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12, NIV

I hope this was an encouragement to you and that remember your authority in Christ. God has given you everything to fight against the schemes of the enemy... you just have to stand firm. Like it says in Ephesians 6:10-11,

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God,

so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

The Lord gives us the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 for a reason. Want to grow deeper in your understanding of what it means to put on the full armor of God? Daily Grace Co has their Armor of God Bible Study* that will bless you spiritually and help you...

  • Understand the Armor of God
  • Know what it means to put on the Armor of God
  • Have a clearer understanding of spiritual warfare and your role in it
  • Cling to Christ and rely on His strength
  • Persevere in the face of temptation
  • Fight sin in your life with practical tools

If that is something that speaks to your spirit, you can check out the Armor of God Bible Study: HERE.*

Christ is your victory in every battle. Be blessed, Sis!

*This article includes affiliate links, which means if you purchase a product through a link, we may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to keep our website free and provide you with godly and gospel-centered resources.

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