A relationship with God begins with the curiosity or desire to know more about God. Are you curious about God? Do you wonder what it means to have a relationship with God? Then you are at the right place at the right time. Having a relationship with God starts with what you are in the middle of doing right now. You are looking to God at this moment because you are seeking to know Him more.
God knows every person at an incredibly personal level. When we are desiring God and seeking to truly know God more, we are following the leading of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. God desires that every person will know Him in a personal way and follow His plan for their life. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Salvation is found in a relationship with God.
Maybe you have been in church your whole life, but never really felt a personal connection to God. Or you could be someone who has no past experience with God other than using His Name in vain. No matter the past, God has brought you here to grow you closer to Him. And that is a beautiful thing! Praise God!
You can know God but not KNOW Him. Knowing God in a personal way is having a relationship with God. The more you know who God is, the more you love Him. You may know a lot of things about God though not truly KNOW Him. Having all the knowledge about God will not get you through the hard times. What gets you through the hard times is having God in your life to lean on and give you strength. That is truly knowing God. But what exactly does a relationship with God look like?
A personal relationship with God can be comparable to your relationship with a close friend, though it’s way better than that! Like earthly relationships, a relationship with God involves love, trust, and commitment. God is perfect, unlike humans, God’s love is everlasting, God’s trust is unbreakable, and God’s commitment is eternal. God is God, for that alone He deserves all the praise and glory!
“For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
Psalm 100:5, ESV
In close friendships, you know the other person very well and they know you. Well God knows you intimately, for He even created every little and big detail about you. Most importantly, God created you to have a relationship with Him. Since God created you to be in a relationship with Him, that means it is your top purpose in this life. That is why when we are lacking God in our life, life feels dull or even meaningless.
The great news is that you can have a personal relationship with God right now. It doesn’t have to be some supernatural moment to begin having a relationship with God. So, regardless of your background with church and Christianity, the lacking you feel about God doesn’t have to remain that way. The myth that only "spiritual" people, like pastors and church leaders, can achieve a personal relationship is nothing but a myth. God wants to know YOU intimately and for you to KNOW Him!
To begin a relationship with God is as simple as asking Him into your heart to guide you and confessing that you are a sinner in need of Christ’s salvation. The Bible says that God sent His only son to be the Savior of the world in John 3:16. Jesus Christ is our perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Without Christ, we would be lost and unable to attain a relationship with our perfect heavenly Father God. Christ living His perfect life as a sacrifice for our every sin allows us to have a relationship with our perfect God.
“For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.”
Romans 5:6-10, ESV
You are so loved by God! Do you love God too? Do you accept or have you accepted Jesus into your heart? If you desire to have a relationship with God, take this moment to ask God into your heart. It doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. Simply, in your own words, tell God that you want a relationship with Him. Confess your sins and your need for Him. For you who has just accepted Jesus Christ into your heart: Congratulations on your new life and relationship with God! God will continue to guide you on the path that you should go. Most importantly, a relationship with God means that you have eternal life in Him. Continue reading for some ways to grow closer to God.
Just like any relationship, communication is key! Prayer is your personal conversation with God. How would you grow a relationship with a friend? Yes, from communicating and spending time with each other. It is the same thing with God. Making time for God in those moments of free time help to grow you closer to Him. The most important thing you can do to grow closer to God is to pray to Him daily. Want to know more about how to pray, check out this article: ACTS Prayer Method.
Prayer is not an obligation, but a privilege. You are allowed to talk with the sovereign God who created the whole world and YOU. Make time to pray. Pick a time (or a few times) of the day to commit to praying for a few minutes. Prayer doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Pray regularly and continually. The more you pray, the more it will become a natural habit.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV
God loves to hear from you! There are also times that He wants to tell something to your spirit, so don’t be surprised if you feel like sitting in silence to hear Him. God speaks to His children in different ways.
The Bible is God’s Word, written by man, but inspired by God. God’s Word is inerrant and authoritative. Through reading the Bible, you learn more about God’s character and sovereignty. God’s Word is a guide for you too. It will teach, correct, reproof, and train you in righteousness. So, you want to know the way to live your life? The Bible will reveal that to you. God can speak to you through His Word.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV
It’s important to apply what God’s Word says to your life. A relationship with God leads to a new, changed life. The more you grow closer to God, the more you will want to live by God’s commands and do what His Word says. Obedience to God and His Word is not an easy process but God will bless you so much as you walk on the path that He has for you. Interested in learning about God’s Word and how to study what it says. Read our Bible Basics: What is the Inductive Bible Study Method?
Just as praying and reading the Bible are important elements of your relationship with God, a Christian community has utmost value as well. Surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded believers is a great way to deepen your relationship with God. A church home is a place of growth and fellowship. Think of it as your support system, especially if you don’t already have any friends in your life who are Christians.
We need fellowship and community, so we need each other and relationship with like-minded people. You are not called to do life alone. Visit churches to find one that feels like family to you. Start attending a Bible study to get a close circle of friends that learn and grow together.
Here are some things to look for in a church:
The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17 (ESV), “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Surround yourself with friends who will sharpen your relationship with God, not people who will tear it down. God has a great community in store for you. Pray that God will lead you to the right church to help you grow closer to Him and form relationships with other Christians.
Congratulations on taking the first step in your relationship with God! God loves and cares about you so much. No matter your past, God has great things in store for life as you walk in a relationship with Him. If you are interested, you can continue learning some ways to grow as a new believer through our article:
5 Steps for a New Believer in Christ.
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