Inspire Within

3 Powerful Habits for Prioritizing God in Life and Reconnecting with God

Janee Hughes • May 30, 2024

Prioritizing God in Life and Reconnecting with God

Hi friend, seeking to prioritize time with God and reconnect with Him? This makes me so happy that you are here. Life is busy. As an exhausted mama, I feel ya! They say that you prioritize what you value, but sometimes in this life we can drift from even those things that we value most. Well at least I can struggle with this. Whatever the reason, what matters is that you already know the value of prioritizing time with God. Maybe you feel distant from God in this season and need to reconnect with God. 

These powerful habits can help with prioritizing time with God, which are meaningful ways to connect with God and grow spiritually in your relationship with God. As you continue to read, you will receive practical ways to prioritize God in your life. The more time you spend with God, the more you will connect with God.

3 Powerful Habits for Prioritizing God in Life and Reconnecting with God

1. Prioritize Worship to Connect with God

In my own life, singing unto the Lord has been something I haven’t been doing enough, but my spirit is desiring it and is nudging me to add it to my daily routine. One of the simply ways that I have implemented this is by listening to a worship album while I drive and playing an instrumental hymns album in my home.

Have you ever experienced teary-eyed, heart-uplifted worship to the Lord? Those precious times of worshipping God are what my spirit is longing for more of, because it’s so easy to not prioritize time for worship when you have so many other things that needs your attention or distracts you. As a mom, life can be a juggling contest, but God understands where we all are at. 

Prioritizing worship is more than just singing a song to the Lord, it’s about the praise and thanksgiving of your heart. Instead of taking things off of your schedule to worship God, fit worship into the agendas of your day. For example, you could listen to worship in your vehicle while picking up the kids from school or when your family is driving to a restaurant on the weekend. 

Here are some practical ways to add more worship in your daily life, so that you will prioritize God in life and connect with the Lord:

  • Listen to your worship playlist while your drive
  • Play your favorite worship song over and over again 
  • Have music on while you perform tasks (chores, cooking, working, etc.)
  • Break out the hymnals (my personal favorite!)
  • Keep the radio on quietly throughout the day
  • Sing songs in the shower (even if it’s just your head)
  • Explore new worship songs/start a new station on your music app
  • Make worship into a family time
  • Worship through instruments (Want to learn a how to play an instrument online at an affordable price? Check out Voetberg Music Academy!) Use the code "YOUTUBE" for 10% off each month.)

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16, ESV

2. Prioritize Prayer to Connect with God

Thinking back to my teenaged years, I remember writing on a paper “pray more” for several new year’s resolutions capsule. And guess what… every year that I wrote it, I would never make a conscientious effort to pray more. When the next new year came, I would still be struggling with prayer. My prayer life is definitely still an area that I could grow in, but I have learned so much since my teenager years. 

Prayer is a gift. Our prayers are personal conversations with God. God wants to hear from you. No matter how long it has been since our last prayer, God is always ready to hear from us. The biggest thing I have learned about prayer since I was a young teenager, is that prayer is a continuous conversation. 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV

Oftentimes, our prayer life is compared to a relationship with our spouse or best friend, which I believe is a great analogy. A conversation with your spouse or best friend is ongoing—yes—but doesn’t mean you are expected to talk all day long or for long hours at a time. That isn’t practical with real life. All this to say, when you’re wanting to prioritize time with God through prayer, you don’t need to feel like it has to be long hours at a time. Rather, it should a heart that is always seeking the Lord.

A continuous conversation with a spouse is this: you talk when you wake up, when you go to bed, and the mix of times in between. Throughout the day, when my husband is working, I have things that I want or need to tell my husband when he gets off from work. He does the same with me and likes to fill me in with work things and even shares conversations that he had that day. We share with each other our struggles, fears, daily experiences, and discuss current or future issues. 

Marriage is not healthy without good communication, just like how our relationship with the Lord needs good communication too. God is with us for every moment that we experience in this life. We get to talk with God when we wake up, go to bed, and the mix of times in between. Prayers to the Lord are for communicating our struggles, fears, daily experiences, current or future issues, etc.

Think about your daily schedule—when are you praying most? Are there times that you feel like you need to pray more often? I personally feel like I need to give my anxious thoughts to Lord. Too many times I like to dwell and run with my fearful thoughts instead of sharing them God and trusting in Him. This is my prayer, and it can be yours too: ask God to give you a heart that is continuously dwelling on Him throughout day and having a deeper connection with God through prayer. 

Want to schedule more time to pray? When is a good time to dedicate to prayer? Are you morning person, would first thing in the morning work best for you? Or maybe nighttime would suit you best. Think about, then take this time to pray. Ask God to help you plan time to pray, if you are needing a reminder throughout your day.

Related: How to Pray Powerful Prayers to God with PRAY Acronym

Here are some practical ways to add more prayer in your daily life, so that you can prioritize God in life and grow deeper in your relationship with God:

  • Set a timer on your phone to pray at a specific time of day
  • Like to journal? Write your prayers (Here is a nice prayer journal)*
  • Pray on lunch break everyday
  • Praying Scripture over your life
  • Choose to turn off the music while driving and pray instead 
  • Pray during the night when you’re struggling to fall back asleep
  • Pray when you showering or getting ready
  • Pray with your spouse at night
  • Include prayers with your children (when they get hurt, before their bedtime, etc.) [I need to do more of this!]
  • Pray for people when they randomly come to your mind

3. Prioritize Reading your Bible to Connect with God

My first time to prioritize reading my Bible was when I was a young Christian teenager. I desired to read the Bible because I wanted to know the do’s and do not’s. However, with that desire, I also felt obligated, like I was pressuring myself. Those were foundational years for me; my spiritual milk season (1 Peter 2:2). I did learn a lot from that season, but I later had to learn that Bible study isn’t something that we should feel pressured to do or how it’s not merely a rule book. 

Yes, we should study the Bible. And yes, the Bible is a book of God’s commands. But it is so much more than that! Bible reading should come from a desire to learn more about God and grow closer to God. Through our time with God in His Word, we can see how God perfectly orchestrated the story of redemption through the sinless life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The value of studying the Bible is crucial for every Christian. God’s Word is a light for our paths (Psalm 119:105). Without the Bible’s inerrant authority, we would be wandering in darkness and led by our sinful desires. For the Bible says that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV

When you prioritize time to spend with God through reading the Bible, just remember to have the right motives in your heart. Bible study should be your daily bread, not just a task to check off your to-do list. The Bible teaches the way to Christ and how Christ gives us the ability to walk in obedience to God.

Here are a few practical ways to include Bible study on a daily basis, so that you prioritize God in life and feel closer to Christ: 

  • Listen to the Bible on audio (Audible, Bible app)
  • Start a Daily Grace Co Bible Study*
  • Use your phone for Bible Study apps (Bible app, The Daily Grace co) 
  • Read the Bible from front to back
  • Commit to one chapter a day 
  • Pick a specific book of the Bible to study
  • Read through the book of Proverbs every month of the year
  • Do family Bible studies together
  • Read the Bible aloud 
  • Implement Bible memorization (I personally need to do this one more.)

It is my prayer that these 3 powerful ways to prioritize time with God will help you grow spiritually in your walk with Christ. The more you prioritize time with God, the deeper you will connect with God. Remember, draw near to God and He will draw near to you!

*This article includes affiliate links, which means that we can receive a small commission at no cost to you, which helps us continue to supply you with godly resources.

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