Inspire Within

3 Steps to Walk Away from a Sin That is Making You Feel Disconnected from God

Janee Hughes • May 10, 2024

God has not turned away from you because of your sin,

 though God is actually calling you closer to Him. 

The struggle of sin is real—you’re not alone—I’m here to give you hope that you can walk away from the sin that is making you feel disconnected from God. No matter what your sin is or how long you have struggled with this sin, you can reconnect with God again. Sin is crippling—it can make you feel like you’re hopeless to get out, though Jesus is your hope and made the way for you to be free from your sin. Remember: In Christ, your sins are made white as snow.

Let me take you through 3 steps to help you walk away from this sin. You may even be surprised to discover 3 reasons why you’re not as disconnected from God as you might feel!

“‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

Isaiah 1:18, ESV

3 Steps to Walk Away from Sinning and Feeling Disconnected from God:

1. Realize Your Sin 

Good news! Since you’re reading this article, you have already completed the first step by realizing that you are sinning and are disconnected from God because of your sin. Though that doesn’t take away the distance from God that you are experiencing.

Realizing your sin is a step in the process of turning from sin, but to reconnect with God you must continue to walk away from your sin. If you remain here, you will continue to remain feeling disconnected from God. You feel the pain of your sin heavily on this step and when you don’t move to the next step, you might become too hard on yourself and feel hopelessly lost. 

If Jesus would have never died for your sins and the sins of the whole world, we would still be struggling for a right relationship with God. Although sin distances us from God, Jesus made the way for us to have a personal relationship with God, the Father. Praise Jesus for bridging the gap of our sin and our relationship with God!

Reason #1 why you’re not as disconnected from God as you might feel:

The Holy Spirit is leading you through your conscience by making you realize your need to turn away from this sin. Listening to the nudging feeling that you have inside of you is apart of growing closer to the Lord. God has not turned away from you because of your sin, though God is actually calling you closer to Him. Even though sin can cause us to run away from God, God doesn’t ever stop running after His Children...that includes YOU.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners,

and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

James 4:8, ESV

2. Repent from Your Sin

For woman of faith, repentance comes pretty fast after committing and realizing your sin. In fact, it can come naturally from our remorse and desire to do what is right. Though there are times when sin becomes such a habit that we no longer feel bad for doing it. If only it was as easy as repenting to the Lord to never committing sin again. Sin will always be apart of this world, but we look forward to the world to come, eternal life. 

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9, ESV

Confessing your sins to God cleanses you from all unrighteousness. Once you realize your sin and sincerely repent for your wrongdoing, you will be forgiven and made as white as snow. God’s mercies are new every morning. 

Reason #2 why you’re not as disconnected from God as you might feel:

God loves you so much that He provided you with salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Before the world begin, God had a plan for you to have a personal relationship with Him. Though sin makes it feel as if you are disconnected from God, God is always with you. In fact, God is even there to comfort you.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV

Don’t Abuse God’s Grace

Due to our sinful nature, sin is not completely avoidable in this world, though there are steps we can take to cling to what is good and not what is bad. After receiving forgiveness for your sins, it’s important to not abuse God’s grace. If your sin is a reoccurring struggle, think of what got you to the place of committing that sin. Is there something you need to give up and avoid? Something you need to stop doing or somewhere to stop going? A person that you need to stay away from? What is feeding this sin? Need to get rid of something? 

God will lead you in the right direction. In Christ, you are a new creation—the old “you” has passed away. Steering clear from all things that can lead to sin is not something that can be done overnight. God works on your heart to make it more like Him—to desire what is good and hate what is evil. 

Reason #3 why you’re not as disconnected from God as you might feel:

Just like when God nudged your spirit about the conviction of your sin, the Holy Spirit continues to guide you to what is right and to avoid what is evil. God is continually working on your heart throughout your life—even through this sin struggle—to make your heart more like Him.

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.”

John 14:15-17, ESV

3. Reconnect with God

Although you have felt disconnected from God, God has never moved. God has been calling for you to draw near to Him. Our God is so faithful. The Lord is near even when we feeling distant from Him. To feel closer to God, spend time with Him. You can start right now by praying to God. Thank Him for giving you a conscience to realize your sin, and for sending Jesus to save you from sin and make the way for you to know God intimately.

The best advice for how to reconnect with God is through prayer and Bible study. Prayer is communication, which is an important part of any relationship—especially for a closer relationship with God. Through reading the Bible, you learn more about who God is and how to live by His commandments. Need help implementing prayer and Bible study? This course about implementing biblical habits will help you grow deeper in your relationship with God. The Rooted in Grace Digital Course* includes in-depth videos, printable workbook, and a habit tracker. If you're interested, you can check out more about it here!*

Now, go spend this time with God. He is greatly awaiting to hear from YOU today and always!

*This article includes affiliate links, which means if you purchase a product through a link, we may make a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to keep our website free and provide you with godly and gospel-centered resources.


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