Inspire Within

Are You Busy or a Busybody? - Daily Devotional

Inspire Within Daily Devotional • December 29, 2020

Inspire Within Daily Devotional

Daily Scripture

For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living.”
2 Thessalonians 3:11-12, ESV

Daily Encouragement

Let us not walk in idleness, rather let us be busy at work. Idleness is nothing new. The church at Thessalonica had their share of people who struggled with laziness, instead of being busy they were busybodies [gossipers]. A busybody is “a person who pries into or meddles in the affairs of others”. It is easy to fall into worthless, unproductive activities like gossiping, especially with social media these days and when we are not productive with our time. Gossiping is an unproductive activity that can tear people down, but it is also something we are all guilty of doing.

There is a difference between laziness and leisureliness, and a balance is needed for both. Rest is necessary in life, even God rested on the seventh day of creation as an example for us to follow. Work is a must in life, so that we can make a living for ourselves and be productive with our time on earth. Paul lived by the rule, “If man will not work, he shall not eat”. (2 Thessalonians 3:10) It is important to rest when it is time to rest and work when it is time to work. Let’s make sure that we are making the most of our life and talents by being productive with our time, so that we won’t be lead into sin or worthless activities from the lack of activity.

Daily Reflection

Do you feel the need to be more productive with your time? Does your life need to have a balance of rest and work? Maybe you even keep busy with work yet you really struggle with gossip? Whatever you feel the Holy Spirit is telling you. Ask the Lord to help you through your situation. Don’t beat yourself up. No one is perfect. Just seek the Lord for direction and guidance. He will show you if you need to make a change and how you can depend on His strength to do it.

Daily Quote

"There is a difference between laziness and leisureliness, and a balance is needed for both."

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